Album Hayley Dee Westenra

Born 10 April 1987 (1987-04-10) (age 22)
Origin Christchurch, New Zealand
Genres Classical, Pop, Celtic, Operatic pop
Occupations Singer
Instruments Vocals, Piano, Guitar
Years active 2000 - Present
Labels Universal New Zealand
Decca Records
Associated acts Celtic Woman

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HayleY Westenra

Hayley Dee Westenra (born 10 April 1987 in Christchurch, New Zealand)[1][2] is a New Zealand soprano, songwriter and UNICEF Ambassador. Her first internationally released album, Pure, reached #1 on the UK classical charts in 2003 and has sold more than two million copies worldwide. Pure is the fastest-selling international début classical album to date, having made Westenra an international star at age 16. In August 2006, she joined the Irish group Celtic Woman, was featured on their Celtic Woman: A New Journey CD and DVD, toured with them on their 2007 Spring Tour, and also was featured on their latest DVD, The Greatest Journey: Essential Collection, released in 2008. She sings songs in a number of languages.

Westenra has performed for dignitaries around the world. She is the youngest UNICEF Ambassador to date and has contributed to charities around the world.

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Album Various Artists

A compilation album is an album (music or spoken-word) featuring tracks from multiple recording artists, often culled from a variety of sources (such as studio albums, live albums, singles, demos and outtakes.) The tracks are usually collected according to a common characteristic, such as popularity, source or subject matter. When the tracks are all essentially by the same recording artist, a compilation album is often referred to as a retrospective album. Compilation album may employ tradition product bundling strategies.

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Various Artists

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Download Album Emma Shapplin

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Emma Shapplin Part.1
Emma Shapplin Part.2

Emma Shapplin
Born in Paris in 1974, Emma recalls as a young girl she was far too shy “even to make a noise let alone to sing” and her family were not particularly musical. But her musical passions were aroused at the age of eleven when she heard the Queen Of The Night from The Magic Flute. It was a moment of transcendence, although to her amused embarrassment, Emma admits this introduction to the world of opera and bel canto came via a television commercial. Nevertheless, a life-long love affair was forged. “I ran to my bedroom and tried to sing the tune immediately. That’s when I fell in love with singing for the first time,” she says. “I knew then I wanted to sing like that. That was the music that touched my soul.”

Unsure at first how to pursue her desire to sing, it was not until she was 14 that Emma met a teacher who could help realise her dreams. “She was a little old lady, about 70, and in her day she had been a great singer. She surrounded herself with candles and cats and her piano and I loved the whole atmosphere,” Emma remembers. “I touched these great scores for the first time and read the Italian words which seemed to have a mystery and romance.” She also told Emma that she was a soprano coloratura. “Singing was still like playing with a toy to me. She found my voice and slowly started to bring it out.”

Emma took lessons with her for two years and was convinced she had found her purpose in life. But she was also approaching an age when her parents were concerned about career prospects and her future. “They didn’t think singing could ever be a proper job,” Emma recalls. “My father was a policeman and thought that maybe I should follow in his footsteps. My mother was a secretary and she thought that would be a good job for me. I understand why they wanted me to concentrate on my other studies. But to me singing is an affirmation of being alive.”

She continues to pay tribute to her early teacher but has never seen her since. “I still feel guilty about stopping,” she explains. All great singers will tell you that the voice is a gift, and not being able to use that gift left Emma feeling hollow. “I didn’t know what I wanted to do. But I felt I had done something wrong. I felt all bottled up. If I don’t sing I explode,” she says.

Her desire to sing did not go away and was soon to re-emerge in a radically different form when she joined a heavy metal band. “Some guys in my class were forming a rock group and they were actually looking for a male singer,” Emma recalls. “They wanted someone who could scream, so I said I could do that.” Her offer was gratefully accepted and for the next two years she abandoned her operatic scales and exercises and smoked two packets of cigarettes a day to give her voice a rougher, rock inflection.

Yet although she enjoyed the screaming, she began to miss the music of the opera. One day a friend of her mother’s took the young rock singer to a performance of Mozart’s Don Giovanni at a Parisian opera house. It was the first time she had ever seen an opera on stage and she was entranced. “I thought after hearing something so beautiful I had to die,” she recalls. “We had seats on the balcony and I remember wanting to jump off it and fly.”

She began once again looking for a teacher and enrolled at a music school. Yet she found the style of teaching cold and formal, and soon took off with a friend for New York. “While I was there I sang some r&b, which in a way has a similar power to opera. It’s very earthy and it’s contributed a lot to the way I approach singing today,” she says.

When she eventually returned to France, she again resumed singing lessons. But by now she had decided she didn’t want to go into opera, particularly after one teacher had accused her of introducing a groove into her delivery of a famous aria. “That set me thinking I should find my own ways of expression and use my voice to invent something of my own.”

A chance meeting at a party with the French composer and pop star Jean-Patrick Capdvielle gave her the opportunity. They had met before but with an audacity she still wonders at, she asked him to write an album for her. “But I’m not Verdi,” he told her. “And I’m not a proper opera singer so we should do something together,” she replied.

Her boldness clearly made an impression for a week later, he rang her and they began working together. “There was this perfect moment when it was so evident it was going to work,” Emma says. Indeed it worked so well that the resulting album Carmine Meo, released in 1997, has now sold in excess of two million copies. The album roared to the top of the French album charts, selling 100,000 copies in its first three months and earning Emma her first of many gold discs. That success was soon echoed on the international market, as Carmine Meo rose to the top of the charts worldwide, often overtaking albums by the likes of Céline Dion and Madonna.

But whereas most of the writing on Carmine Meo had been done by Capdvielle, for her second album Emma was determined to write her own material. Signed to a new label, Ark 21, she began to look around for a new musical collaborator. Miles Copeland, head of her new label, recommended Graeme Revell, a composer whose work had appeared on the soundtrack to the Red Planet movie. It proved to be a perfect fit. “In his music I found an echo of what I was looking for,” Emma says.

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Download Album The Corrs

The Corrs are a Celtic folk-rock and pop rock group originating from Dundalk, Republic of Ireland. The Corrs members are : Jim Corr, Sharon Corr, Caroline Corr, Andrea Corr.

Why are they famous?

They are famous for being a famous rock band from Ireland.

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The Corrs-In Blue
The Corrs-Best Of The Corrs

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Download Full Album Pink_Floyd

Pink Floyd is the premier space rock band. Since the mid-'60s, their music relentlessly tinkered with electronics and all manner of special effects to push pop formats to their outer limits. At the same time they wrestled with lyrical themes and concepts of such massive scale that their music has taken on almost classical, operatic quality, in both sound and words. Despite their astral image, the group was brought down to earth in the 1980s by decidedly mundane power struggles over leadership and, ultimately, ownership of the band's very name. After that time, they were little more than a dinosaur act, capable of filling stadiums and topping the charts, but offering little more than a spectacular recreation of their most successful formulas. Their latter-day staleness cannot disguise the fact that, for the first decade or so of their existence, they were one of the most innovative groups around, in concert and (especially) in the studio.

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Pink Floyd

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Album Josh Groban

Origin: Brisbane, Australia

Decades: 1960's, 1970's, 1980's, 1990's, and 2000's

No popular music act of the '60s, '70s, '80s, or '90s experienced more ups and downs in popularity, or attracted a more varied audience across the decades, than the Bee Gees. Beginning in the mid- to late '60s as a Beatlesque ensemble, they quickly developed as songwriters in their own right and style, perfecting in the process a progressive pop sound all their own. Then, after hitting a trough in their popularity in the early '70s, they reinvented themselves as perhaps the most successful white soul act of all time during the disco era. Their popularity faded with the passing of disco's appeal, but the Bee Gees made a successful comeback in virtually every corner of the globe. What remained a constant through their history is their extraordinary singing, rooted in three voices that were appealing individually and comprised so perfectly and naturally by melding together that they make such acts as the Beatles, the Everly Brothers, and Simon & Garfunkel -- all noted for their harmonies -- almost seem arch and artificial.

Bee_Gees Part.1
Bee Gees part.2

You may be familiar with Josh Groban's amazing voice, but how familiar are you with his path to the top? Read more about one of today's greatest singers in the profile of Josh Groban.

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Josh Groban

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Download Full Album Afshin

First Name : Afshin
Hometown : San Francisco
Gender : Male
Interests : Reading, Sports, Traveling
Favorite Music : Classic Rock, World Music, Blues, and Latin (Rumba, Flamenco, Salsa, Bachata)
Favorite Movies : Westerns, Comedies, and Documentaries

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Album Afshin

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Alter Bridge

After Alter Bridge launched their debut album in the fall of 2004, the last thing that Myles Kennedy, Mark Tremonti, Scott Phillips, and Brian Marshall could have expected was the need to start over yet again. Perhaps things do happen for a reason, because what could have been a curse turned out to be a blessing in disguise. Alter Bridge’s first album, One Day Remains, was certified Gold by the RIAA and was met with critical acclaim. The band set off on tour in the fall of 2004, playing through the end of 2005 for fervent crowds all over the world. Simultaneously, however, cracks began to tarnish the relationship between the band and its label, Wind-Up Records. Believing that their label did not share the same vision, the band determined their only recourse was to ask to be released from Wind-Up. The label's objections prompted Tremonti and Phillips, using their personal funds, to successfully negotiate and buy the band out of their contract. Much of 2006 was spent writing new material and interviewing with potential labels. The band was eager to explore their newfound freedom and excited to start recording. After growing tired of waiting, they again dipped into their personal funds to create the album that they wanted and needed to make. For the first time in their careers, no one was looking over their shoulder. It was now just about Alter Bridge and their music. Alter Bridge recruited producer Michael “Elvis” Baskette. The recording process began in Nashville in February 2007. “We began negotiating our recording contract at the end of 2006, and knew it may take a while to come to mutual terms,” Scott Phillips reflects, “but the opportunity, and window of availability to work with Elvis made the decision easy for us to pay for this album ourselves. When all the stars aligned with us, as a band, a producer who could capture the essence of what we had become, and the songs we felt we had, it was agreed that this album had to be made right then and there. We knew we’d eventually have a great label to call home.” The band's focus and determination was rewarded in June 2007, when they finally signed with Universal Republic Records. "We’re thrilled to be partnering up with Alter Bridge," states Monte Lipman, President of Universal Republic Records. "They're an incredible band, and they have a strong vision that we share together. When Tom (Mackay, SVP A&R) and I met with the group, we knew instantly that they were the type of talented people we’d want to be in business with.” Out of the chaos, tumult, and uncertainty, Blackbird, Alter Bridge’s sophomore album, was born. “We’re very excited about beginning this chapter in our lives and careers,” comments Mark Tremonti. “Universal Republic is a perfect home for us and we’re excited that our fans are finally going to hear all the new songs we’ve been working on for quite some time. This material is really aggressive and I think it’s the best work we’ve ever done. We can’t wait to get back in front of our loyal fans later this year.” There are many differences between One Day Remains and Blackbird. Most notable is the full integration of Myles Kennedy as a guitarist and songwriter. One Day Remains was largely written before Myles came on board. This time around, it was a collaborative effort with Mark and Myles sharing the songwriting duties, while all four band members worked on the arrangements. “It’s a natural evolution after three years of working together. We knew Myles was an amazing singer, that’s why we hired him. What we found out when we toured the first record was that he’s also an incredibly gifted guitar player and songwriter, as well as a vocalist. It would have been a crime not to utilize all that talent. We wanted to use every weapon we had in our arsenal for this album,” Mark states. “Musically,” Myles says, “Mark and I really complement one another, especially when you juxtapose his powerful style with my dark and emotional approach. On top of that, we have a common goal, to find the best melody possible. This is really the first time in all my years of writing that I had the opportunity to do a true collaboration with someone. We make a fantastic team.” Lyrically, the album touches on many themes. The subject of addiction is broached in the hard-hitting “Buried Alive” and the beautiful, yet melancholy, “Watch Over You.” “Having watched people around me suffer through this issue... It is the realization, from my perspective, that you really can’t help someone who refuses to help themselves,” Myles explains. “Before Tomorrow Comes” became a personal mantra for Kennedy. “It definitely challenges my tendency to be apathetic at times. The line ‘We could be so much more than we are’ is meant to ask the questions: Have you reached your potential? Are you doing everything you can to make a difference?” Regarding “Rise Today” Kennedy states, “We are just asking the question: Could this world be a better place? It may be idealistic, but it’s from the heart. The last thing we want is for people to misinterpret this song as political in nature.” Kennedy’s lyrics for the title track “Blackbird” were written for a friend of his who had been fighting an illness for some time. “As we were completing the music and arrangement of the song, I had received word that his struggle was coming to an end. Lyrically, this was a very difficult song to write. It was my wish for him to finally find some peace and move on to a better place.” Bringing Kennedy into the fold as a guitarist allowed Mark Tremonti to shine throughout Blackbird. Whether it’s the soaring blues based solo on “Brand New Start” or the intense but tasteful lead on “Come To Life,” Tremonti shows his evolution as a player. On the title track, both Mark and Myles display their contrasting styles against a sonic tapestry that is sure to take the listener on an emotional journey. Alter Bridge’s efforts will culminate this fall when Blackbird is released and the band eagerly returns to the road. “First and foremost, we’re a live band," Mark exclaims. "We give it our all every single night no matter how many people we’re playing for. We love playing for the fans more than anything in the world. It’s why we make records.” Mark concludes that because of ownership rights and the transition between labels, “there were no Alter Bridge sites, or MySpace sites, so what sustained our fan base was our fan sites. What sustained us was our fans. Our fans took over and carried us through these tough times. So to our fans, we say 'Thank You!'”

"Download Album Alter Bridge Free Now"

The End Is Here
Shead My Skin
Watch Your Words
Down To My Last
In Loving memory
Burn It Down
One Day Remains
Come To Life
Watch Over You
Break Me Down

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Famous as : R&B singer
Birth Name : Robyn Rihanna Fenty
Birth Date : February 20, 1988
Birth Place : St. Michael, Barbados
Claim to fame : Single "Pon De Replay" (2005)

"Download Album Rihana Free Now"

Dont Stop The Music
Hate That I lOve You
Neyo And Rihana
Live Your Life
If I Never See Your Face Again
Break It Off
Rihana - Roulette Russian 2009.mp3

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Avril Lavigne

Famous as : Singer
Birth Name : Avril Ramona Lavigne
Birth Date : September 27, 1984
Birth Place : Belleville, Ontario, Canada
Spouse : Deryck Whibley (Sum 41 lead vocalist, 15-Jul-06 - Sep 2009)
Claim to fame : Single "Complicated" (2002)

"Download Album Avril Lavigne"

All The Smal Things
Im With You
When Your Gone
Always Get What I Want By nay
Keep Holding On
My Happy Ending
He Wasnt

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Britney Spear

Full Name: Britney Jean Spears
Nicknames: Her mom called her 'Brinnie'
Occupation: Singer, Actress
Date of Birth: December 2, 1981
Place of Birth: Kentwood, Louisiana., USA
Sign: Sagittarius
Height: 5' 4"
Relations: Mother: Lynne Spears (a second grade teacher); father: Jamie Spears (building contractor); sister: Jamie Lynn; brother: Bryan; Ex-husband: Ojani Noa; ex-companion: Jason Geddert (dated in 1997); current companion: Justin Timberlake ('N Sync heartthrob)
Education: Studied at the off-Broadway Dance Center and at the Professional Performing Arts School
Claim to Fame: Baby One More Time which sold for 6000000 copies (1999)
• It was rumored that she had a crush on a boy who lives near her called Matt Gillic.
• Spears had a secret crush on Justin Timberlake during the Mikey Mouse Club!.
• The youngest artist in Soundscan history to have a certified RIAA 12x platinum album.
• She came fifth in YM magazine's poll of "Who's breasts would you want the most?"
• Britney was voted the 5th most beautiful person in a People online poll in 1999.
• "...Baby One More Time" has gone five times platinum.
• At the year 2000 Grammy awards Britney won 4 awards: female artist of the year, new artist of the year, female hot 100 singles artist, and female albums artist.
• Spears' America Online chat was the fourth most attended individual chat in AOL's history.
Fan Mail:
Britney Fan Club
PO Box 7022 Red Bank
NJ 07701-7022

"Download Album Britney Spear Now"

Over Protected
Brave New Girl
I`m Not A Girls Not Yet a Women
Gimme More Elektro Mix
Break In The Ice
Piece Of Me
I Got That
Flame Thrower

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